The RACI chart is an effective tool that improves team responsibility, defines roles and duties, and expedites project workflows. Being familiar with charts like RACI may significantly improve the effectiveness and success of your initiatives, regardless of experience level or level of exposure to organizational leadership. Let’s understand it in detail in this blog.

Overview of the RACI chart

RACI chart

RACI stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed. These are the four rules under the RACI chart in a matrix form. Let’s understand their role in detail.

  • Responsible (R): Those in charge of finishing particular duties or activities are given this rule. They are the ones who put in the energy necessary to accomplish a certain objective or outcome. Within a project, various people might be given distinct roles of responsibility for different tasks.
  • Accountable (A): The accountable role is designated to individuals with ultimate ownership and authority over a task or decision. They are responsible for ensuring that the task is completed satisfactorily and that the project progresses as planned. Basically, there should be only one person assigned as accountable for each task or decision.
  • Consulted (C): Before making judgments, persons in the consulted role have their opinions or areas of expertise asked. Although they are not directly in charge of finishing the activity, their insights are crucial to its effective completion. Individuals who have been consulted provide the responsible party comments, counsel, or pertinent information.
  • Informed (I): While they are not actively involved in carrying out a job or decision, those in the informed function are constantly updated about its advancement. They are team members or stakeholders who must be updated on any changes, results, or choices pertaining to the assignment or project.

It is organized as a matrix, with the roles (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed) listed along one axis and the tasks or activities listed on the other. Every cell inside the matrix denotes the role or roles linked to a certain job or activity. Thus, teams may minimize misunderstandings, make expectations clear, and make sure that everyone knows their part in the project.

Steps to use a RACI template

Creating and using a RACI template involves the following steps:

  • Make a list of every action or activity that has to be finished for your project or procedure. Make sure these assignments are precise and well-defined.
  • Thereafter, identify the key roles involved in the project or process. Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed are some examples of these positions.
  • For each task or activity, assign the appropriate role(s) using the RACI chart.
  • Assign the person or people responsible for completing the task.
  • Thereafter, designate the person who is ultimately answerable for the task’s success or failure.
  • Furthermore, identify individuals who need to provide input or expertise before the task can be completed.
  • Specify stakeholders or team members who need to be kept informed about the task’s progress or outcomes.
  • Arrange the roles or individuals along one axis (columns) and the duties or activities along the other (rows). This will create a matrix in which every cell denotes the point where a role and a task converge.
  • Fill in the appropriate role(s) for each task in the corresponding cell of the matrix. Make sure to clearly specify who is responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed for each task.
  • Review the completed RACI chart with the project team to ensure that roles and responsibilities are accurately assigned and understood. Make any necessary revisions or adjustments based on feedback.
  • Share the finalized RACI chart with all relevant stakeholders and ensure that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities. Use the RACI template as a reference tool throughout the project to guide decision-making and ensure accountability.

Below are some RACI templates you can use:

Difference between Responsible and Accountable in RACI

Responsible and Accountable are two distinct roles that serve different purposes in RACI:

  • People who are directly involved in carrying out the duties or activities necessary to accomplish a certain objective or deliverable are designated as ‘Responsible’ roles. They are the ones who perform the task and guarantee that it is finished in accordance with the established criteria and standards. In short, the task’s actual execution and completion are the responsibility of the people in this relevant role.
  • On the other hand, individuals who own ultimate ownership and responsibility over a task or decision are assigned the ‘Accountable’ role. Even though they might not be doing the work themselves, they are in charge of making sure the project moves forward as intended and that the tasks are performed to a high standard. Those who play the accountable position are responsible for the decisions or tasks’ results. They have the power to decide on matters that cannot be changed, to assign tasks to others, and to settle disputes.


Making a RACI chart from scratch for each project request is time-consuming and may be avoided by using a template, which is very beneficial. You won’t have to start from scratch because the chart is ready for customization. Use the above RACI templates to start your project quickly.

Frequently asked questions

What does the RACI stand for?

RACI stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed.

What are the four rules under RACI chart?

The four roles in a RACI chart are:

  • R: Individuals or teams who are responsible for completing specific tasks or activities.
  • A: The person ultimately answerable for the completion and success of the task or deliverable.
  • C: People whose input or expertise is sought before making decisions or taking action.
  • I: Stakeholders or team members who need to be kept informed about the progress or outcomes of the task.
What is difference between responsible and accountable in RACI?

In a RACI chart, the primary distinction between ‘Accountable’ and ‘Responsible’ is that the former have overall ownership and authority over the task’s success or failure but may not always carry out the work themselves, whereas the latter are directly involved in carrying out the tasks.

Are RACI charts still used?

Yes, RACI charts are still commonly used in project management and organizational processes to clarify roles and responsibilities.

What has replaced RACI?

A single tool or technique hasn’t completely supplanted RACI. However, depending on their own requirements and preferences, some businesses could employ several frameworks or methodologies.

Can multiple people be accountable in RACI?

It is typically advised to assign only one person to each activity or decision on a RACI chart. This guarantees clarity and prevents misunderstandings about ultimate accountability.

Does Excel have a RACI template?

Yes, Excel offers various RACI template options.

Does Microsoft have a RACI template?

Microsoft does not offer a specific RACI template as part of its default templates. However, you can create your own RACI chart using Microsoft Excel, Word, or PowerPoint by formatting a table or grid.